Fraud Detection & Protection

Unparalleled level of Fraud Alerting Fraud Prevention Fraud Management Fraud Alerting

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Protection against telephony fraud

Fraud Detection

We provide timely response and notification to fraud attempts across all Voiceflex products and services.

Threat Detection

We scan your system for threats providing an outstanding level of comfort and peace of mind.

Product Wide

Protection against fraud is a core part of our services. Fraud protection and detection is built-in, suspending suspicious activity.

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What is Telephone Fraud?

Telephone fraud (also known as phreaking) is the action of hacking into telecommunications systems to obtain free calls.

It is a serious business but many are unaware just how vulnerable their systems could be to phone hackers. If ports on the router are open hackers will get in. If the password on the PBX is the default password, hackers will be in within seconds and they then have control of the PBX and the ability to route calls to anywhere in the world.

Preventing Fraud

Dealing with fraud has never been straightforward and the focus must be on prevention and to ensure the available controls are in place. We developed our own product Voiceflex ABBA, an Advanced Behaviour Based Analysis (ABBA) application to offer the channel an enhanced approach to protect and keep fraud at a minimum.

  • Unparalleled level of fraud protection
  • Rapid detection of fraudulent activity
  • Free service
  • Significant savings in lost revenue
Preventing Fraud Image

Don't be a victim

Award winning fraud analysis, detection & protection

The Benefits

Included in the price of a SIP Trunk are the best methods in operation in the market today

Proven, significant preventative control measures

Via the partner portal set self-policing elements for your customers or end-users

Timely automated fraud alerts in the event of threat and fraud detection

Should you be the target of fraud your Voiceflex account will warn you and automatically be suspended

Unparalleled level of analysis, detection and prevention

Voiceflex Fraud Prevention

Voiceflex enables its partners to proactively prevent fraud.You are not committing to any services, just starting the process.