Mobile Device Protection

Get immediate visibility and anlaysis of mobile threats on employee devices to know of any potential phishing risk protection from threats via compromised device vulnerabilities & malicious content immediate visibility and anlaysis of mobile threats on employee devices

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Uncompromising Detection & Protection

Guard against mobile phishing

Detect any potential phishing risk and act if there's a threat.

Better Visibility

Warn users before they click or give up their personal or business credentials.

Support Zero Trust

Restrict access to company data from untrusted devices.

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Voiceflex Protect

With access to bank information, contact details, emails and messages, mobile devices and tablets make excellent targets for phishing attacks and data theft. Safeguard your customer's business with Voiceflex Protect, powered by Trustd, an award-winning Mobile Defence application. Deliver powerful, dynamic protection against cyber threats targeted specifically at mobile devices.

Manage Mobile Risks

Protect staff devices and secure both staff and company's networking data from application, network and device-based threats including malware, phishing, rogue WiFi, unauthorised screen, camera and microphone access, permissions abuse and device exploits.

  • Detect both known and unknown malicious links & apps
  • Prevent access from Microsoft cloud apps from untrusted devices
  • Mobile threat defence without invading employee privacy
  • Faster response to any threats

Find out more

Trustd Unparalleled Protection Image

Mobile protection for hybrid working

Prevent phishing & viruses, safeguard your business

The Benefits

Protect your Business

Don't let BYOD stand for Bring Your Own Disaster. Get threat detection and act if there's any threats.

Better Visibility

See the status of all employee devices. Know who is protected & who isn't. Know where your threats might come from.

Mitigate Phishing Threats

Protect every phone against phishing attacks and compromised WiFi. Fraudulent access to your business systems can be serious.

Effective Cyber Security

Monitor for suspicious activity and threats to spot vulnerabilities. Stop attacks before they become serious.

Quick & Easy Set Up

Get set up in 5 minutes, simply enrol your staff's devices to prevent them falling victim of an attack.

Safe & Secure

Be reassured there are no weaknesses and your business systems and data are safe and secure.

Key Features

When a user connects to a compromised or insecure WiFi network. WiFi protection alerts both the devices and in the dashboard.

Device health monitoring enables Zero Trust security and conditional access through the dashboard or the REST API.

Web protection ensures users, devices and corporate data are protected against phishing attacks and malicious websites.

Device update alerts identify vulnerable devices, while Voiceflex Protect, powered by Trustd reminds and guides users to patch their OS.

Deep Learning mobile malware protection protects you from modern Android malware, such as spyware and Trojans like Cerberus and Joker.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) gives you granular control over access to the administrative cloud-based console.

Defend & remediate against mobile threats

You are not committing to any services, just starting the process.