Webinar: WhatsApp Business Platform for Sales

8th April 2024

Webinar: WhatsApp Business Platform for Sales image
8th April 2024

Webinar: WhatsApp Business Platform for Sales

WhatsApp Business Platform for Sales, Friday 26th April, 10.30 - 11.00 am - Save my place

WhatsApp has become the most popular way we communicate with each other. Therefore it is no surprise that businesses have been waiting to engage with customers using WhatsApp.

Why attend? - Gain an insight into the benefits of using WhatsApp and how WhatsApp can help their business. If you and your customers are looking for something different to engage with customers then this is a must.

✅ Dynamic engagement

✅ Ability to expand your reach

✅ Communicate at scale - send messages & alerts to numerous contacts at once

✅ Accelerate communications with automation & integrations

If you would like to know more join Paul Taylor- WhatsApp Business Platform for Sales, Friday 26th April, 10.30 - 11.00 am - Save my place