Webinar: SoGEA & SoGEA Voice - New Dates

1st February 2021

Webinar: SoGEA & SoGEA Voice - New Dates image
1st February 2021

Webinar: SoGEA & SoGEA Voice - New Dates


Tuesday 9th March, 11.00 am - Register Me

Thursday 11th February, 2.00 pm - Register Me


To bet broadband connectivity you either used your existing analogue phone with broadband added on top or you ordered a new connection where the two were bundled together.  But now you just need one - SoGEA.  This might be good news for some but not for businesses or consumers who need their landline voice services.

SoGEA does not allow users to connect a traditional phone so anyone that uses a phone line and wants to continue to receive and make calls will need to be prepared and have a VoIP application.

SoGEA will transform the communications industry - there are 28 million PSTN telephone lines with broadband connections on them, and every one of those has to be replaced by 2025. If your customers are not ready they will have their voice services cut off.

This webinar is a must if you want to know how you can ensure your customers don't lose their voice!


To register simply click above or below on 'Register Me'

Tuesday 9th March, 11.00 am - Register Me

Thursday 11th March, 2.00 pm - Register Me