Voiceflex’s Paul Taylor Talks To Fibre Provider

29th June 2022

Voiceflex’s Paul Taylor Talks To Fibre Provider image
29th June 2022

Voiceflex’s Paul Taylor Talks To Fibre Provider

Paul Taylor, the Chief Commerical Officer here at Voiceflex, was recently interviewed by Greg Denholm of FibreProvider.net for its latest Talking Fibre feature.

With the UK’s PSTN and ISDN switch-off fast approaching, Voiceflex is offering solutions like Voiceflex Flow and MS Teams Direct Routing as over-the-top services to help customers as they look to move away from legacy systems. Paul and Greg spoke about the importance of over-the-top services like these, as well as how alt-net operators could go about future-proofing their own revenue streams. 

To find out more about what Paul had to say, you can watch the video below.