Prevent Telecoms Fraud this Christmas

12th December 2021

Prevent Telecoms Fraud this Christmas image
12th December 2021

Prevent Telecoms Fraud this Christmas

Telecoms fraud is one of the biggest sources of revenue erosion and companies are particularly vulnerable over the Christmas period. 

Fraudsters know that when businesses are closed for Christmas they will have a longer period of time to commit fraud with fewer people around to notice. Unfortunately, many businesses are unaware of the fraud until they receive their next bill.

As you complete your final preparations for the holidays, please take some time to make sure your telecoms equipment is as secure as it can be. It is also a good time to update any of your fraud settings on the Voiceflex portal to realistic limits.

Remember, there's often more than one admin account with a default password that can compromise a PBX. If you have remote configuration enabled this should be secured to only known IP addresses and all passwords should be changed for built-in accounts.

If you have any concerns or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 3301 6000 or email