Sign language 999 BSL service

17th June 2022

Sign language 999 BSL service image
17th June 2022

Sign language 999 BSL service

The new emergency video relay service, 999 BSL, for the deaf community launches today.

This innovative service enables deaf BSL users to contact the Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade, and Coastguard emergency services through a BSL interpreter. ​ At the touch of a button, via the app or PC, deaf BSL users will be connected via a video link to an interpreter. A hearing operator will receive a call from the remote BSL interpreter who then relays the conversation to a 999 operator. The emergency video relay call allows deaf users to talk in real-time to the emergency services call handler - with the interpreter signing the handler's responses and instructions.

The app is free to use, and users must not be charged for any data use.

App and website to call 999​

  • Make and receive free calls
  • Available for iOS and Android devices 
  • The 'call’ will still work even if users run out of data
  • 24/7 service all year round ​

The service is now available to download from the Apple/Google store. For more information and FAQ's please visit

It is important that your customers are aware of this service. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 3301 6000 or email